10+ pioneers confirmed to Speak @ 2019 SharpBrains Virtual Summit (May 7–9th)

_______________ We are proud to announce the first wave of con­firmed Speak­ers to share their inno­v­a­tive work and insights at the 2019 Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit: The Future of Brain Health, to be held May 7–9th, 2019: Dr. Tom Insel, Co-founder and Pres­i­dent of Mind­strong Health Dr. Ainslie Hatch, Direc­tor of Dig­i­tal Ther­a­peu­tics at Otsu­ka Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal David…

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Let’s improve Brain Health Literacy during Brain Awareness Week 2018

___ Please join us in get­ting ready to cel­e­brate Brain Aware­ness Week 2018 (March 12–18th), the annu­al glob­al cam­paign orga­nized by the Dana Foun­da­tion to increase pub­lic aware­ness about the progress and ben­e­fits of brain research. To learn about activ­i­ties in your area, please vis­it BAW’s Inter­na­tion­al Cal­en­dar of events. And remem­ber you don’t need to trav­el any­where to…

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Slidedeck: What do 7.5 billion human brains need to thrive in the Digital Age, and what are key opportunities to better equip them?

What do 7.5 bil­lion human brains need to thrive in the Dig­i­tal Age, and what are key oppor­tu­ni­ties to bet­ter equip them? (full record­ing requires reg­is­tra­tion; slid­edeck avail­able above and Here) Álvaro Fer­nán­dez, CEO and Edi­­tor-in-Chief of Sharp­Brains Sarah Lenz Lock, Senior Vice Pres­i­dent for Pol­i­cy at AARP and Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Glob­al Coun­cil on Brain Health (GCBH) Dr. April…

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Let’s appreciate the growing landscape of digital brain health & enhancement: 177 experts and pioneers in 23 countries–and counting!

_______ Quick update on how reg­is­tra­tion stands for the upcom­ing 2017 Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit: Brain Health & Enhance­ment in the Dig­i­tal Age (Decem­ber 5–7th) — THANK YOU to every­one who has reg­is­tered already :-) We are pleased to report that so far 177 experts, pio­neers and prac­ti­tion­ers are reg­is­tered to par­tic­i­pate. 130 seem to be based in the US…

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Meet 40 Experts and Innovators shaping Brain Health & Enhancement on December 5–7th, at the 2017 SharpBrains Virtual Summit

We are proud to announce these 40 con­firmed Sum­mit Speak­ers, Chairs and Judges at the 2017 Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit on Decem­ber 5–7th. What an incred­i­ble brain trust shap­ing the future of brain health and enhance­ment! Here are just a few: Dr. Adam Gaz­za­ley, Pro­fes­sor of Neu­rol­o­gy and Found­ing Direc­tor of Neu­roscape at UCSF Dr. Gaz­za­ley is a fac­ul­ty member…

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Update: New book by Daniel Goleman & Richard Davidson describes how long-term meditation can improve our minds, brains, and bodies

_______________ Time for Sharp­Brains’ Sep­tem­ber e‑newsletter, this time dis­cussing a range of top­ics from med­i­ta­tion research to the first FDA-cleared dig­i­tal ther­a­peu­tic to upcom­ing events at the fron­tier of applied brain sci­ence. Also, a warn­ing: Par­ents, coach­es, teach­ers, –you can read why below–  let’s find safer sports for kids to play than Amer­i­can foot­ball. New research…

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