Wearable EEG monitoring start-up Epitel raises $12.5M to market seizure detection system

Epi­tel rais­es $12.5M for wear­able seizure detec­tion sys­tem (Mobi­Health News): Epi­tel, mak­er of a wear­able elec­troen­cephalo­gram (EEG) sys­tem for seizure detec­tion, announced Wednes­day it had scored $12.5 mil­lion in Series A fund­ing. The round was led by Cat­a­lyst Health Ven­tures (CHV) and Genoa Ven­tures, with par­tic­i­pa­tion from Dex­com, OSF Ven­tures, Wave­mak­er 360, Med­Moun­tain Ven­tures and…

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Study: Wearable sensors and machine learning may well (one day) help detect a broad range of epileptic seizures

Wear­able Device Clears a First ‘Mile­stone’ in Seizure Detec­tion (Med­scape; requires sub­scrip­tion): A wrist-worn device that uses machine learn­ing accu­rate­ly detects dif­fer­ent seizure types in find­ings that have the poten­tial to rev­o­lu­tion­ize the man­age­ment of patients with epilep­sy. “We have set a first bench­mark for auto­mat­ic detec­tion of a vari­ety of epilep­tic seizures using wearable…

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Next in clinical practice: Automated real-time detection of seizures via wearable EMG devices

___ Wear­able EMG Found to Detect Seizures (Neu­rol­o­gy Today): “A new study demon­strates the fea­si­bil­i­ty of using a wear­able elec­tromyo­g­ra­phy device to detect ton­ic-clonic seizures…The Neu­rol­o­gy paper was among the first to demon­strate its results prospec­tive­ly, using a pre-spec­i­­fied cut-off for deter­min­ing that a GTCS is occur­ring. And at nine sec­onds, its laten­cy in doing so…

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