Science and Medicine blog carnivals

A cou­ple of excel­lent col­lec­tions of blog posts: ‑The Tan­gled Bank: all things sci­ence, with a very clear pre­sen­ta­tion. ‑Med­i­cine 2.0: inter­sec­tion of Health and Web 2.0, host­ed by Berta­lan Mesko, its creator.

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I am busy executive with a challenging job. How is brain fitness relevant to me?

How is brain fit­ness rel­e­vant to me?Key Points: Reduce your stress to improve con­cen­tra­tion and learn­ing readi­ness and reduce distractions.Increase your men­tal stim­u­la­tion to help main­tain a healthy, flex­i­ble brain.Answer:Executives, or any­one involved in com­plex and rapid­ly evolv­ing envi­ron­ments, need to make pres­sured deci­sions based on sound log­ic, instead of emo­tion­al impuls­es.… Stress can also lim­it our men­tal flex­i­bil­i­ty and abil­i­ty to see alter­na­tive solu­tions, there­by pre­vent­ing us from adapt­ing to, and suc­ceed­ing in, new circumstances.

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