Posts Tagged ‘Safe-driving’
Why Brain Training Can Help Older Drivers
A study just published in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society has been much publicized recently (see for instance, this L.A. Times article). The study showed that a computer-based brain training program succeeded in reducing at-fault car crashes for older drivers. The effects of the training lasted over 6 years. This result made the news…
Read MoreMaximize the Cognitive Value of Your Mental Workout
Physical fitness. Cognitive/ brain fitness. Both require novelty, variety and challenge. Professor Schlomo Breznitz, a scientific and business leader in the cognitive fitness field, explains why, eloquently, below. Perhaps “we want change” really means “we need change”. Enjoy! ———————— Why are everyday life challenges not sufficient to keep our brains fit? – By Prof. Shlomo…
Read MoreNeuroscience for lawyers and leaders
Stephanie, our lawyer-blogger friend, alerted us of 2 great articles co-authored by her and Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz, a research psychiatrist at the School of Medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles and one of the world’s leading experts in neuroplasticity. We highly recommend them for lawyers, business professionals, and leaders in general.…
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