Freeze-Framer for Golf: emotional management for peak performance

Just came back from a hol­i­day par­ty where I met some avid golfers who thought the con­cept of man­ag­ing emo­tions through breath­ing, visu­al­iza­tion and tech­nol­o­gy sound­ed like a bit far out. First I tried to para­phrase the quote “Effec­tive man­age­ment of the emo­tions in your golf game will not only low­er your scores, but is guaranteed…

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Student Achievement Gap, Stress, and Self-Regulation

Jon­ah Lehrer dis­sects and builds on a New York Times arti­cle on the edu­ca­tion Achieve­ment gap. Quotes from Jon­ah’s post: “most of the research sug­gests that the “achieve­ment gap” has real neu­ro­log­i­cal roots, which are caused by dis­tinct home envi­ron­ments: Hart and Ris­ley showed that lan­guage expo­sure in ear­ly child­hood cor­re­lat­ed strong­ly with I.Q. and academic…

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Emwave and Emotional self-regulation

In the post Trad­er Peak Per­for­mance and biofeed­back pro­grams we showed the Heart Rate Vari­abil­i­ty pat­terns cor­re­lat­ed with lev­els of a) anx­i­ety or b) Peak Per­for­mance, “The Zone”. Biofeed­back sup­ports our emo­tion­al self-reg­u­la­­tion: we can visu­al­ly track what is going on inside us and train our­selves to man­age our emo­tion­al state. On the left you…

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Blog Carnivals, Thanksgiving and Mission Accomplishing

Big par­ty today. Car­ni­vals everywhere.  Car­o­line and I admit we are quite biased. We see the world through our own lens­es. Which, these days, means a lot of pas­sion for the sci­ence-based Brain Fit­ness Rev­o­lu­tion. We have been try­ing hard to com­bine fun brain teasers with seri­ous posts on how brain research is start­ing to…

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Everyone a Changemaker”, Ashoka and Google

What an event yes­ter­day night. My wife and I were for­tu­nate to vis­it the Google Cam­pus and attend the Sixth Annu­al North Amer­i­can Fel­low­ship Induc­tion Pro­gram of Ashoka: Inno­va­tors for the Pub­lic, a social ven­ture fund where we have been involved for a num­ber of years, and thanks to which (thanks Michele!) my wife and…

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