BBC brain training study apparently retracts previous overgeneralized claim that “brain training doesn’t work”

Online brain train­ing ‘helps old­er adults with every­day tasks’ (BBC): “Near­ly 7,000 peo­ple aged 50 and over signed up for the six-month exper­i­ment, launched by BBC TV’s Bang Goes The Theory…Some of the vol­un­teers were encour­aged to play online brain train­ing games for 10 min­utes at a time, as often as they wished. The others —…

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Report: 10 million people develop dementia every year

World Alzheimer Report 2015: Revised Esti­mates Hint at Larg­er Epi­dem­ic (Alz­fo­rum): “Alzheimer’s Dis­ease Inter­na­tion­al yes­ter­day released its World Alzheimer Report 2015: The Glob­al Impact of Demen­tia. This sev­enth annu­al report from the fed­er­a­tion of Alzheimer asso­ci­a­tions updates 2009 esti­mates of 

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Neuroimaging studies: In soccer, over one thousand “headers” per year can lead to brain injury and cognitive impairment

. Study indi­cates there may be a head­ing thresh­old above which the risk for brain dam­age increas­es sig­nif­i­cant­ly: An Inter­view with Michael L. Lip­ton (Dana Foun­da­tion): “Dr. Lip­ton pio­neered the use of MRI tech­nol­o­gy to detect mild trau­mat­ic brain injuries (mTBI) from con­cus­sions. Such injuries, which may bring cog­ni­tive and behav­ioral impair­ment and even neu­rode­gen­er­a­tion later…

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New report by the Institute of Medicine on cognitive health promotion

Title: Cog­ni­tive Aging: Progress in Under­stand­ing and Oppor­tu­ni­ties for Action Report brief (opens PDF) Read full report online Descrip­tion: Peo­ple for­get things—a name, where they put their keys, a phone number—and yet what is dis­missed as a minor incon­ve­nience at 25 years of age, can evolve into a momen­tary anx­i­ety at 35, and a major source…

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