Posts Tagged ‘Psychosocial Treatments’
Google gets serious about brain & mental health innovation and hires NIMH Director Tom Insel
. NIH Director’s Statement Regarding Dr. Thomas Insel’s Departure: “After serving 13 years as Director for the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Thomas R. Insel, M.D., will step down effective November 1, 2015…he is definitely not retiring. He is planning to join the Google Life Sciences
Read MoreTechnology as the missing link to enable a brain-based model of brain care: interview with Dr. John Docherty
Dr. John Docherty is an Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at the Weill Medical College, Cornell University, Director of Post Graduate Education there, and Chief Medical Officer of Brain Resource. Trained as a clinical research fellow in neuropsychopharmacology at NIMH, he later returned as Chief of the Psychosocial Treatments Research Branch, responsible for all federally supported…
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