For college students, mental health screening kiosks offer ‘Check-Up from the Neck Up’

. A ‘Check-Up from the Neck Up’ — Men­tal Health Screen­ing Kiosks at Drex­el (Drex­el Now): “Dur­ing their time in col­lege, most stu­dents learn the impor­tance of look­ing out for their own health. How­ev­er, some miss the con­nec­tion that their men­tal well-being is just as impor­tant as keep­ing a reg­u­lar exer­cise reg­i­men or eat­ing the right diet

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General Chiarelli: “We have a totally dysfunctional research system (for brain and mental health)”

— Gen­er­al Chiarelli’s Brain Cru­sade (Politi­co): “Soon after Peter Chiarel­li became vice chief of staff of the Army in 2008, a sub­or­di­nate showed him a bar graph depict­ing the num­ber of sol­diers deter­mined by the Depart­ment of Vet­er­ans Affairs to be at least 30 per­cent dis­abled. The tallest col­umn was on the far left.

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Accelerating brain health research via online registries

San Fran­­cis­­co-based online ‘brain reg­istry’ seeks vol­un­teers to trans­form research (San Jose Mer­cury News): “By vol­un­teer­ing — repeat­ed­ly over time — par­tic­i­pants join a pool of research sub­jects in the new Brain Health Reg­istry, opened Tues­day, for stud­ies on brain dis­eases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkin­son’s, as well as depres­sion, post-trau­­mat­ic stress dis­or­der and oth­er neurological…

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PTSD: Can we Disrupt the Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories?

8% of Amer­i­cans suf­fer from PTSD and this rate increas­es up to 15% as far as vet­er­ans are con­cerned. PTSD or Post Trau­mat­ic Stress Dis­or­der is a type of anx­i­ety dis­or­der that occurs after see­ing or expe­ri­enc­ing a trau­mat­ic event. Peo­ple with PTSD have per­sis­tent fright­en­ing thoughts and mem­o­ries of the event. They may experience…

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