Brain Training New Frontier: Ice Hockey!

USA Hock­ey Inc., is the nation­al gov­ern­ing body for the sport of ice hock­ey in the Unit­ed States. As such, its mis­sion is to pro­mote the growth of hock­ey and pro­vide the best pos­si­ble expe­ri­ence for all par­tic­i­pants by encour­ag­ing, devel­op­ing, advanc­ing and admin­is­ter­ing the sport.” Why do we talk about ice hock­ey in a brain…

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Nintendo Brain Training and Math in UK Schools

Com­put­er game boosts maths scores (BBC): — “It also found improve­ments in pupils’ con­cen­tra­tion and behav­iour.” — “The study involved more than 600 pupils in 32 schools across Scot­land using the Brain Train­ing from Dr Kawashima game on the Nin­ten­do DS every day.” — “Researchers found that while all groups had improved their scores, the group…

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