Thank You, Leading Sponsors @ 2015 SharpBrains Virtual Summit

Please join us in thank­ing these lead­ing orga­ni­za­tions for sup­port­ing the upcom­ing  2015 Sharp­Brains Vir­tual Sum­mit (Novem­ber 17–19th). In alpha­bet­i­cal order, our heart­felt appre­ci­a­tion goes to the AAA Foun­da­tion for Traf­fic Safe­ty, the Alzheimer’s Research and Pre­ven­tion Foun­da­tion, the Arrow­smith Pro­gram, Bay­crest, Brain­Base­line, Cog­niFit, Peak and Roset­ta Stone (and more to fol­low). Thank you! Gold Sponsors …

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Carving Out Future Brain Health Directions + Expo Day (Rosetta Stone, Peak, Cogniciti, Arrowsmith Program)

Carv­ing out Future Brain Health Direc­tions + Expo Day from Sharp­Brains Enjoy these great pre­sen­ta­tions on the future of brain health, deliv­ered at the 2014 Sharp­Brains Vir­tual Sum­mit and fea­tur­ing: Dr. Ken Kosik, Co-Direc­­tor of the UC San­ta Bar­bara Neu­ro­science Research Insti­tute For Roset­ta Stone/ Fit­Brains: Steve Quan, Head of Busi­ness Devel­op­ment & Strate­gic Partnerships…

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Apple names brain training apps “Best of 2014” in 20+ countries

Brain train­ing is going mobile, and glob­al. Not only did Apple name one brain train­ing app (Ele­vate) “Best App of the Year” in the US, across all cat­e­gories, but it hand­picked anoth­er brain train­ing app (Peak) as one of the top apps in 20+ coun­tries. In the UK: “Apple named video edi­tor Replay as its…

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Harnessing big data and videogames to deliver personalized cognitive training

Har­ness­ing big data and videogames to deliv­er per­son­al­ized cog­ni­tive train­ing from Sharp­Brains Enjoy this great ses­sion held at the 2014 Sharp­Brains Vir­tual Sum­mit, fea­tur­ing: Dr. Joe Hardy, ?VP of R&D at Lumos Labs Mark Bax­ter, Head of Prod­uct (Fit­Brains) at Roset­ta Stone Ita­mar Lesu­isse, CEO of Peak Aki Niko­laidis, NSF Fel­low at the Uni­ver­sity of Illi­nois Cham­paign Urbana Chair:…

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Brain training 2.0: Adding 3D Navigation to Optimize Cognitive Training

As dis­cussed dur­ing my Sharp­Brains Sum­mit talk last week, it is very impor­tant to ensure fideli­ty between brain train­ing tasks and the real-world sce­nar­ios where we expect those sharp­ened cog­ni­tive skills to be put to good use. That’s why, work­ing with a num­ber of researchers in the US and Europe, I’ve been devel­op­ing a new…

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