Cognitive Training for Basketball Game-Intelligence: Interview with Prof. Daniel Gopher

Pro­fes­sor Daniel Gopher is a fel­low of the U.S. Human Fac­tors and Ergonom­ics Soci­ety and the Inter­na­tion­al Ergonom­ics Asso­ci­a­tion, Pro­fes­sor of Cog­ni­tive Psy­chol­o­gy and Human Fac­tors Engi­neer­ing at Tech­nion, Israel’s Insti­tute of Sci­ence, and one of world’s lead­ing fig­ures in the field of Cog­ni­tive Train­ing. Dur­ing his 40 year career, he has held a variety…

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#9. Visual Illusion Brain Teaser

What do you see? Keep look­ing at it … Hint: You should be able to per­ceive two dif­fer­ent images (but prob­a­bly not at the same time) Brain sci­ence of what’s going on: This image is an exam­ple of an ambigu­ous illu­sion — a pic­ture or object that requires per­cep­tu­al switch­ing between the alter­na­tive inter­pre­ta­tions of fig­ure and ground. And although…

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Marian Diamond and the Brain Revolution

I have been rec­om­mend­ing, in this blog and in “real” life, the won­der­ful book Mag­ic Trees of the Mind: How to Nur­ture Your Child’s Intel­li­gence, Cre­ativ­i­ty, and Healthy Emo­tions from Birth Through Ado­les­cence, by Berke­ley’s Mar­i­an Dia­mond and Janet L. Hopson.

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Memory Training-maybe Oldest Brain Fitness Program

The main din­ner course was just being served in the mas­sive, ancient Greek hall when the expan­sive ceil­ing col­lapsed, crush­ing every one of the many guests in their seats. Not a sin­gle attendee sur­vived, except for the poet Simonides, who had left the room just before the tragedy. In the days that fol­lowed, work­ers who…

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Brain and Mind Fitness Programs: resiliency, on top of attention, memory…

Today: 6.30pm: I leave the office, down­town San Fran­cis­co, and take the train. 6.44pm: just before arriv­ing in my sta­tion, I remem­ber I have an appoint­ment with my hair­dress­er, which means I have to walk in a dif­fer­ent direc­tion than usu­al. 6.48pm: I find myself walk­ing towards my house, oppo­site direc­tion from my hair­dress­er. You may have…

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