Combined tDCS neurostimulation and cognitive training found to improve working memory among older adults–especially those with lower starting capacity

Giv­ing mem­o­ry a lift: Can games and brain stim­u­la­tion do it? (Med­ical­New­sTo­day): A person’s work­ing mem­o­ry may decline with age or if they have demen­tia, Parkinson’s dis­ease, or have had a stroke. When this occurs, the loss can affect their day-to-day qual­i­ty of life, turn­ing even sim­ple tasks into often-demor­­al­iz­ing challenges.

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UCSF to open innovative neurology clinic to address “diagnostic odyssey”

_____ UCSF to Launch Unique Neu­rol­o­gy Clin­ic Spe­cial­iz­ing in Dif­­fi­cult-to-Diag­nose Cas­es (press release): “A pro­posed neu­rol­o­gy clin­ic at UCSF Med­ical Cen­ter at Mis­sion Bay aims to short­cut the “diag­nos­tic odyssey” faced by many patients with baf­fling brain symp­toms that do not meet the stan­dard cri­te­ria for any spe­cif­ic con­di­tion. Patients with ambigu­ous neu­ro­log­i­cal symp­toms, but…

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An idea gaining traction: Can measuring typing cadence help monitor and treat Parkinson’s Disease?

FDA grants break­through device des­ig­na­tion to Neu­raMetrix (press release): “The U.S. Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion (FDA) has grant­ed Break­through Device des­ig­na­tion to the Neu­raMetrix brain health mon­i­tor­ing solu­tion. The des­ig­na­tion is grant­ed for devices “that pro­vide more effec­tive treat­ment or diag­no­sis of life-threat­en­ing or irre­versibly debil­i­tat­ing human dis­ease or con­di­tions”. The approved use is monitoring…

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Moderate coffee consumption may promote brain health — and it’s not because of caffeine

How Cof­fee May Pro­tect Brain Health: A New Study Sug­gests The Ben­e­fits Aren’t Just From Caf­feine (Forbes): “Cof­fee has been get­ting con­sid­er­able atten­tion for a grow­ing list of health ben­e­fits, with brain health high among them. While not with­out a few down­sides, stud­ies have shown impres­sive upsides of mod­er­ate cof­fee con­sump­tion, often linked to its…

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The state of intelligent wearable monitor systems and methods: Key neurotechnology patent #40

Today we high­light a 2011 patent by Dart­mouth Col­lege, The Nation­al Insti­tutes of Health (NIH), and the U.S. Depart­ment Of Health And Human Ser­vices, aimed at fine-tun­ing treat­ment of Parkin­son’s dis­ease, stroke and oth­er dis­eases affect­ing motor func­tion. (As men­tioned, we are fea­tur­ing a foun­da­tion­al Per­va­sive Neu­rotech patent a day, from old­er to new­er by issue date) U.S. Patent No.…

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Trend: From brain surgery towards non-invasive brain stimulation therapies

. BRAIN-STIMULATING HELMET MAY HELP PARKINSON’S PATIENTS (Pop­u­lar Sci­ence): “When Michelle Lane was inca­pac­i­tat­ed by Parkin­son’s dis­ease, her best option was brain surgery. Elec­tri­cal leads were sur­gi­cal­ly implant­ed into her skull, and a pace­­mak­er-like device installed to deliv­er elec­tri­cal sig­nals to the move­ment region of the brain. Now

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