Brain Teasers and Games, for Kids and Adults

In case you missed them, here you have a few recent brain teasers and games. t is always good to stim­u­late our minds and to learn a bit about how our brains work. Novem­ber 2011: Math Brain Teas­er: Unfin­ished The­sis Octo­ber 2011: Archimedes Grave Octo­ber 2011: Opti­cal Illu­sions @ Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Sep­tem­ber 2011: A Brain Teas­er for each Cog­ni­tive Ability…

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Update: How Stress and Emotions Impact Brain Performance

Spon­sored Ad (How to Adver­tise on Time for the Octo­ber edi­tion of the month­ly Sharp­Brains eNewslet­ter, fea­tur­ing this time sev­er­al arti­cles on the impact of stress, emo­tions, and self-reg­u­la­­tion, on our brain’s struc­ture and per­for­mance. We are pleased to bring to Sharp­Brains read­ers a new 6‑part series on the Neu­ro­bi­ol­ogy of Stress, based on a…

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Brain Games and Optical Illusions @ National Geographic

Sev­er­al Sharp­Brains friends rec­om­mend the recent 3‑part Nation­al Geo­graph­ic TV mini-series Brain Games focused on Per­cep­tion, Atten­tion and Mem­o­ry. You can learn about the series and exper­i­ment a good num­ber of visu­al illu­sions Here. You may also enjoy this arti­cle on Visu­al Illu­sions in Art and Sci­ence, and these clas­sic illu­sions from our own brain…

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Optical illusions and brain teasers

Quick note: Yahoo! has cre­at­ed an expand­ed sec­tion with opti­cal illu­sions and brain teasers, and we were glad to con­tribute to it. You can enjoy it Here. Once you are done, you can find many more brain teasers here.

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On Being Certain: Believing You Are Right Even When You’re Not

Where does our “Feel­ing of Know­ing” come from? Have you ever felt cer­tain that you knew an answer even though you could­n’t think of it right off? Where does that “feel­ing of know­ing” come from? The answer to this ques­tion is the focus of neu­rol­o­gist Robert Bur­ton’s new book On Being Cer­tain: Believ­ing You Are…

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