US Senator Joe Manchin calls for a new FDA Commissioner to replace current (acting) one who “has repeatedly ignored public health concerns and shown a dereliction of duty” over opioids and aducanumab

Key Demo­c­rat Manchin Bash­es FDA Leader on Alzheimer’s Approval (Bloomberg): Sen­a­tor Joe Manchin, a mod­er­ate Demo­c­rat con­sid­ered a cru­cial vote with­in the party’s slim Sen­ate major­i­ty, said Janet Wood­cock, the tem­po­rary head of the Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion, should be quick­ly replaced with a per­ma­nent leader. Manchin blast­ed an FDA deci­sion to approve the controversial…

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Study issues warning: Opioid inhibitor naltrexone (often used to treat addictions) can reduce feelings of social connection

_________ Sci­ence has long known that hav­ing pos­i­tive social con­nec­tion is impor­tant to a hap­py and healthy life. But less is under­stood about how our brains sup­port and encour­age con­nect­ing with oth­ers. While pri­or research has sug­gest­ed oxy­tocin plays a role in nur­tur­ing and trust­ing oth­ers, there­by strength­en­ing social bonds, many researchers also sus­pect that…

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