The real brain drain: How unemployment depletes cognitive and emotional resources

. How Unem­ploy­ment Impacts Your Per­son­al­i­ty (Entre­pre­neur): “Unem­ploy­ment is no cake­walk. It’s well doc­u­ment­ed that an invol­un­tary job­less state can take a steep toll on one’s emo­tion­al and phys­i­cal health, and now new research illu­mi­nates a more sub­tle, if high­ly cor­ro­sive, con­se­quence the inabil­i­ty to find work can have on a per­son. In short, it…

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Cognitive Training & Brain Teasers Can Increase Openness Among Older Adults

Brain Teasers Make Seniors More Open to New Ven­tures (med­page today): — ” A cog­ni­tive train­ing pro­gram that includ­ed Sudoku and cross­word puz­zles made old­er adults more open to new expe­ri­ences, accord­ing to a pre­lim­i­nary study.” — “Old­er adults under­go changes in per­son­al­i­ty, includ­ing shifts in open­ness or will­ing­ness to seek out new and cog­ni­tive­ly chal­leng­ing experiences.…

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