Cognitive Enhancement, Aging Baby Boomers, and the Legal Profession

A quick note to alert you of two very inter­est­ing, grow­ing, and some­how linked debates: 1) Very insight­ful arti­cle on The Aging of the Baby Boomers: What Does It Mean for the Legal Pro­fes­sion (thank you, Stephanie!). Some quotes: — “As I pen this arti­cle, it seems as though I’m writ­ing about some­one else the…

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Top 10 Brain Teasers and Games, with a neuroscience angle

No mat­ter what we are read­ing or doing, there is always the need to take a lit­tle break and chal­lenge our minds (and to learn a bit about how our brains work).… If you care for Brain Fit­ness Pro­grams, check out Mind­Fit for an over­all men­tal work­out, Intel­li­Gym for bas­ket­ball game-intel­li­gence, RoboMemo for work­ing mem­o­ry train­ing, Freeze-Framer for stress man­age­ment and peak performance.

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