Posts Tagged ‘obesity’
Study: Higher body mass index (BMI) linked to episodic memory deficits in young adults
Obesity May Worsen Episodic Memory, Make It Harder To Keep Track Of Certain Events (Medical Daily): “High body mass index (BMI) has been associated with certain health risks, which may now include cognitive impairment, according to preliminary research published in The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. The study
Read MoreADHD & the brain: Does ADHD treatment improve long-term academic, social and behavioral outcomes?
. The ADHD challenge The core symptoms of ADHD frequently cause significant impairment in academic, social and behavioral functioning that adversely impact individuals’ quality of life. These symptoms often persist into adulthood, potentially compromising an individual’s functioning over many years. Understanding how ADHD impacts long-term functioning, and whether adverse long-term affects are diminished with treatment, is
Read MoreStudy Links Obesity and Cognitive Fitness — In Both Directions
Obesity linked to Cognition (HealthCanal): — “Obese people tend to perform worse than healthy people at cognitive tasks like planning ahead, a literature review has found, concluding that psychological techniques used to treat anorexics could help obese people too.”
Read MoreAlzheimer’s Disease: New Survey and Research Study on Awareness, Testing and Prevention
Very interesting new data reinforcing two main themes we have been analyzing for a while: 1) We better start paying serious attention (and R&D dollars) to lifestyle-based and non-invasive cognitive and emotional health interventions, which are mostly ignored in favor of invasive, drug-based options 2) Interventions will need to be personalized. The study below analyzes data…
Read MoreCan weight loss boost memory?
In the past few days you may have come across headlines claiming that weight loss can improve memory. If so, you may be wondering what to make of this. Let’s take a brief look at the study at the origin of these articles. Participants were 109 bariatric surgery patients and 41 obese people (controls) who had…
Read MoreShall we question the brand new book of human troubles
With three years still left until publication, the fights over the new version of the psychiatric diagnostic manual, the DSM‑V, are hotting up and The New York Times has a concise article that covers most of the main point of contention. — “What you have in the end, Mr. Shorter said, “is this process of…
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