Study: Higher body mass index (BMI) linked to episodic memory deficits in young adults

Obe­si­ty May Wors­en Episod­ic Mem­o­ry, Make It Hard­er To Keep Track Of Cer­tain Events (Med­ical Dai­ly): “High body mass index (BMI) has been asso­ci­at­ed with cer­tain health risks, which may now include cog­ni­tive impair­ment, accord­ing to pre­lim­i­nary research pub­lished in The Quar­ter­ly Jour­nal of Exper­i­men­tal Psy­chol­o­gy. The study

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ADHD & the brain: Does ADHD treatment improve long-term academic, social and behavioral outcomes?

. The ADHD chal­lenge The core symp­toms of ADHD fre­quent­ly cause sig­nif­i­cant impair­ment in aca­d­e­m­ic, social and behav­ioral func­tion­ing that adverse­ly impact indi­vid­u­als’ qual­i­ty of life. These symp­toms often per­sist into adult­hood, poten­tial­ly com­pro­mis­ing an indi­vid­u­al’s func­tion­ing over many years. Under­stand­ing how ADHD impacts long-term func­tion­ing, and whether adverse long-term affects are dimin­ished with treat­ment, is

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Study Links Obesity and Cognitive Fitness — In Both Directions

Obe­si­ty linked to Cog­ni­tion (Health­Canal): — “Obese peo­ple tend to per­form worse than healthy peo­ple at cog­ni­tive tasks like plan­ning ahead, a lit­er­a­ture review has found, con­clud­ing that psy­cho­log­i­cal tech­niques used to treat anorex­i­cs could help obese peo­ple too.”

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Alzheimer’s Disease: New Survey and Research Study on Awareness, Testing and Prevention

Very inter­est­ing new data rein­forc­ing two main themes we have been ana­lyz­ing for a while: 1) We bet­ter start pay­ing seri­ous atten­tion (and R&D dol­lars) to lifestyle-based and non-inva­­sive cog­ni­tive and emo­tion­al health inter­ven­tions, which are most­ly ignored in favor of inva­sive, drug-based options 2) Inter­ven­tions will need to be per­son­al­ized. The study below ana­lyzes data…

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Can weight loss boost memory?

In the past few days you may have come across head­lines claim­ing that weight loss can improve mem­o­ry. If so, you may be won­der­ing what to make of this. Let’s take a brief look at the study at the ori­gin of these arti­cles. Par­tic­i­pants were 109 bariatric surgery patients and 41 obese peo­ple (con­trols) who had…

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Shall we question the brand new book of human troubles

With three years still left until pub­li­ca­tion, the fights over the new ver­sion of the psy­chi­atric diag­nos­tic man­u­al, the DSM‑V, are hot­ting up and The New York Times has a con­cise arti­cle that cov­ers most of the main point of con­tention. — “What you have in the end,  Mr. Short­er said, “is this process of…

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