Study: Dietary interventions can help children with ADHD (especially with proper monitoring and adjustment)

Are dietary inter­ven­tions effec­tive for treat­ing ADHD? This has been a con­tro­ver­sial ques­tion over the years with strong pro­po­nents on both sides of the issue. For many par­ents and pro­fes­sion­als, try­ing to parse through the dif­fer­ent claims about the impact of diet on ADHD has been chal­leng­ing and confusing.

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Protect Your Asset by Being Your Own Brain Fitness Coach

Last week I had the good for­tune of spend­ing four days in Nue­vo Val­lar­ta, Mex­i­co, with over 300 amaz­ing indi­vid­u­als from 40+ coun­tries who had been named Young Glob­al Lead­ers by the World Eco­nom­ic Forum. The sum­mit agen­da was insight­ful and inspir­ing, con­ver­sa­tions with oth­er par­tic­i­pants always proved to be eye-open­ing and stim­u­lat­ing, and the…

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Working with Healthcare Stakeholders towards Brain-Based Personalized Medicine

(Edi­tor’s Note: this is Part 3 of the new 3‑part series writ­ten by Dr. Evian Gor­don draw­ing from his par­tic­i­pa­tion at the Per­son­al­ized Med­i­cine World Con­gress on Jan­u­ary, 23, 2012 at Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty.) Work­ing with Health Care Indus­try Stake­hold­ers: Clin­i­cians, Pharma/Biotech, Pay­ers, PBMs, Lawyers, Medicare, FDA Clin­i­cians seek clear val­i­dat­ed “rules of thumb” that can be…

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The Ten Habits of a Sharp Brain

As our final arti­cle for 2011, let us repur­pose one of Sharp­Brains’ most pop­u­lar blog posts since 2006. It may give you a few point­ers to sharp­en those New Years Res­o­lu­tions. Let’s sum­ma­rize some lifestyle guide­lines we can all fol­low to enhance and main­tain a sharp brain through life… Learn what is the “It” in…

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News: Neuroscience Applied to Learning, Mental Health, Healthy Aging

Here you have a round-up of recent news on how cog­ni­tive and affec­tive neu­ro­science find­ings are start­ing to inform edu­ca­tion and health across the lifes­pan: Pedi­a­tri­cians issue a call to aid chil­dren fac­ing ‘tox­ic stress’ (LA Times) Teach­ers as Brain-Chang­ers: Neu­ro­science and Learn­ing (EdWeek)

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