Scientists call for regulations for brain stimulation devices sold directly to consumers

———- Brain-Zap­ping Gad­gets Need Reg­u­la­tion, Say Sci­en­tists and (Some) Man­u­fac­tur­ers (IEEE Spec­trum): “Just a few years ago, the idea of elec­tri­cal­ly stim­u­lat­ing your brain in the com­fort of your own home would have sound­ed pret­ty weird, and prob­a­bly like a bad idea. But the prac­tice of brain-zapping—in par­tic­u­lar, an easy-to-pull-off tech­nique called tran­scra­nial direct cur­rent stimulation…

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DARPA launches Targeted Neuroplasticity Training program to accelerate cognitive skills training

Boost­ing Synap­tic Plas­tic­i­ty to Accel­er­ate Learn­ing (DARPA news): “The body’s branch­ing net­work of periph­er­al nerves con­nects neu­rons in the brain and spinal cord to organs, skin, and mus­cles, reg­u­lat­ing a host of bio­log­i­cal func­tions from diges­tion to sen­sa­tion to loco­mo­tion. But the periph­er­al ner­vous sys­tem can do even more than that…pushing those lim­its fur­ther, DARPA…

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Emerging digital technologies to maintain autonomy and health

Quick heads-up: Inter­est­ing upcom­ing event (Oct. 25–26th) in Nice, France, orga­nized by the French Amer­i­can Biotech­nol­o­gy Sym­po­sium, focused on “Con­tri­bu­tion of dig­i­tal tech­nolo­gies to main­tain the auton­o­my of aging peo­ple,” and dis­cussing inno­va­tion around telemed­i­cine, med­ical devices in home care, bio­engi­neer­ing, neu­rostim­u­la­tion, neur­al implants. The orga­niz­ers want to engage French and Amer­i­can aca­d­e­m­ic researchers, students,…

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