What’s normal? When it comes to the brain, it’s hard to say, and that’s why we need to study global neurodiversity

In a small vil­lage in India—a place so remote it has no elec­tric­i­ty, no telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tem, and no cars or buses—a research work­er pre­pares to place an EEG head­set on a female villager’s head. The woman, who earns $3.75 a day labor­ing in a near­by rice pad­dy and who has nev­er ven­tured out­side her vil­lage, eyes…

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The NeuroGeneration and Humankind’s Quest to Enhance the Brain

Some peo­ple may be uneasy with the idea of “brain enhance­ment,” but the quest to boost our brain­pow­er is noth­ing new; it is an essen­tial part of human nature. Ever since Homo sapi­ens emerged near­ly 200,000 years ago, we have been search­ing for ways to upgrade the hard­ware and wet­ware in our heads, and we’ve…

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Study finds lifelong neurogenesis in the hippocampus, but rates decline with age and, especially, Alzheimer’s disease

___ Old brains still make neu­rons, study finds, offer­ing a pos­si­ble way to pro­tect against Alzheimer’s (STAT): “Reports of old brains’ decrepi­tude have been great­ly exag­ger­at­ed, sci­en­tists report­ed on Mon­day, unveil­ing results that con­tra­dict a much-dis­­­cussed 2018 study and instead sup­port the idea that human gray mat­ter is capa­ble of gen­er­at­ing new neu­rons up to…

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Brain Teaser: Ready to stimulate those neurons in your temporal lobes?

Lan­guage is pri­mar­i­ly processed in the tem­po­ral lobes–on the sides of your brain, next to you tem­ples, most­ly on the left side–and dif­fer­ent areas in the tem­po­ral lobes deal with dif­fer­ent aspects of lan­guage. For exam­ple, the Wer­nicke area sup­ports your abil­i­ty to under­stand words, where­as the Bro­ca area allows you to pro­duce lan­guage or…

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DARPA paving the way for a future brain-based Internet

___ DARPA Wants Brain Inter­faces for Able-Bod­ied Warfight­ers (IEEE Spec­trum): “Until now, the neu­ro­science pro­grams at DARPA, the mad sci­ence wing of the Depart­ment of Defense, have focused on tech­nolo­gies for warfight­ers who have returned home with dis­abil­i­ties of the body or brain. For exam­ple, pro­grams have fund­ed research on pros­thet­ic limbs that are wired…

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Study finds continued birth of new neurons (neurogenesis) well into our 70s

___ New brain mem­o­ry cells devel­op well into old age (Reuters): “Well into our 70s, we con­tin­ue to devel­op new cells in an area of the brain respon­si­ble for new mem­o­ries and explo­ration of new envi­ron­ments, sci­en­tists report. “These new brain cells sus­tain our abil­i­ties to make new mem­o­ries, learn, and cope with the environment,…

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