Update: Humankind’s evolving quest to enhance the brain and the mind

___ Time for the first Sharp­Brains’ e‑newsletter in the new decade, fea­tur­ing a range of inspir­ing and (most­ly) promis­ing news about humankind’s evolv­ing quest to enhance the brain and the mind, and a few fun brain teasers :-) New think­ing: The Neu­ro­Gen­er­a­tion and Humankind’s Quest to Enhance the Brain UCSF to open inno­v­a­tive neu­rol­o­gy clin­ic to address…

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Neurotech seen at CES 2020: BrainCo prosthetic hand, Urgonight, Alpha-Stim X, NIRSIT Lite, Muse S and FocusFit

___ Brain tech is here: These gad­gets from CES 2020 rely on your brain­waves to work (CNET): “The futur­is­tic promise of tech devices that use brain waves to improve sleep, anx­i­ety and con­cen­tra­tion — and even con­trol pros­thet­ic hands — may final­ly be com­ing to fruition, with a slew of new prod­ucts on dis­play at…

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On Awe, Healthy Eating, Mental Health, Ethical Neurotech, and more

_____ Time to wrap-up anoth­er very active month with our Sharp­Brains e‑newsletter sum­ma­riz­ing excit­ing devel­op­ments in brain research, health­care and tech­nol­o­gy — plus a cou­ple fun brain teasers to spark curios­i­ty and inno­va­tion :-) New brain research: Brain scans shed light on the brain net­works sup­port­ing Awe For World Men­tal Health Day let’s review how a healthy…

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The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) shares discussion paper to help empower 8 billion minds via the ethical adoption of digital mental health and neurotech

Our newest #NAM­Per­spec­tives paper out­lines the eight key actions need­ed to scale the use of men­tal health tech­nol­o­gy in sup­port­ing men­tal health care pro­fes­sion­als world­wide. Read about this pro­posed path for­ward: https://t.co/vnKAQzrSaS pic.twitter.com/JRd8fKQP80 — Nation­al Acad­e­my of Med­i­cine (@theNAMedicine) Octo­ber 28, 2019 Tech­nol­o­gy has much to offer in terms of pro­vid­ing and improv­ing access to better…

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Q&A: What does the Facebook acquisition of CTRL-Labs mean for Neurotechnology and Augmented & Virtual Reality?

__________ While sit­ting at din­ner with an unsus­pect­ing friend, my phone blew up with odd­­­ly-late mes­sages from fel­low neu­rotech­nol­o­gy com­rades. CTRL-Labs announced their impend­ing acqui­si­tion by Face­book and inte­gra­tion into Face­book Real­i­ty Labs (respon­si­ble for Ocu­lus et al.), for enough mon­ey to buy my guilt-induc­ing­­ly-expen­­sive New York cof­fee for a mea­ger 550,000 years. Woah—so very many ques­tions. I…

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Update: Trained older brains can outperform untrained younger ones at demanding cognitive tasks

_______________ Time for Sharp­Brains e‑newsletter, fea­tur­ing the lat­est research, tools and think­ing for life­long brain health and men­tal well-being — and a cou­ple fun brain teasers :-) New brain research: Can trained old­er brains out­per­form untrained younger ones at demand­ing cog­ni­tive tasks? Quick answer: YES Sep­tem­ber 17th @ UC Berke­ley: Dis­rupt­ing neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive dis­eases New neu­rotech and…

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