Thinking globally to improve mental health: New NIH initiative

Think­ing glob­al­ly to improve men­tal health: NIH announces inter­na­tion­al research ini­tia­tive (press release): — “The Grand Chal­lenges in Glob­al Men­tal Health Ini­tia­tive, led by the Nation­al Insti­tutes of Health and the Glob­al Alliance for Chron­ic Dis­eases, has iden­ti­fied the top 40 bar­ri­ers to bet­ter men­tal health around the world. Sim­i­lar to past grand chal­lenges, which 

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Mental Health News: NYT, Mind Hacks

A few very inter­est­ing New York Times arti­cles over the last cou­ple of days, plus a great oppor­tu­ni­ty for clin­i­cians and researchers in Latin Amer­i­ca. — Well: When a Brain Sci­en­tist Suf­fers a Stroke “Dr. Tay­lor recounts the details of her stroke and the amaz­ing insights she gained from it in a riv­et­ing 18-minute video…

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Closing the Circuit: Helen Mayberg’s research could revolutionize depression treatment

At some point in their lives, 5 to 12 per­cent of Amer­i­can men and 10–25 per­cent of women will suf­fer an episode of depres­sion, mak­ing it the most com­mon­ly diag­nosed men­tal dis­or­der today. Unlike nor­mal sad­ness, which pass­es with time, depres­sion feels unstop­pable and caus­es peo­ple to lose inter­est in near­ly all activ­i­ties. Because it…

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