Debate: What is the role of financial advisors and platforms in detecting and addressing cognitive decline among older clients?

Baby Boomers’ Biggest Finan­cial Risk: Cog­ni­tive Decline (The Wall Street Jour­nal): For baby boomers who man­age their own nest eggs, a risk is loom­ing that has noth­ing to do with stock prices or inter­est rates. The risk is cog­ni­tive decline, which can rob them of their judg­ment, often with­out much warn­ing. One big mistake—or a series…

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MetLife Mature Market Institute: Meaning, Purpose and Cognitive Health for a Lifelong Good Life

Increased longevi­ty has gen­er­at­ed many ques­tions and much inter­est in healthy aging and retire­ment lifestyles over the recent decades. As Amer­i­cans become edu­cat­ed regard­ing lifestyle choic­es that con­tribute to both phys­i­cal and men­tal health, the def­i­n­i­tion of healthy aging has expand­ed to include brain health. The notion of retire­ment as a time of with­draw­al from…

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MetLife Mature Market Institute: Balancing Money, Medicine and Meaning

Just a quick heads up: the MetLife Mature Mar­ket Insti­tute has pub­lished a new report: titled Dis­cov­er­ing What Mat­ters: Bal­anc­ing Mon­ey, Med­i­cine and Mean­ing. Descrip­tion: “The adage that mon­ey can’t buy hap­pi­ness is sup­port­ed ana­lyt­i­cal­ly by new research demon­strat­ing the impor­tance of hav­ing pur­pose in one’s life and that the most con­tent peo­ple focus on…

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