Will personalized meditation apps be able to replicate the experience of working with a coach?

__________ ‘Men­tal fit­ness’ start­up Ele­vate Labs launch­es a per­son­al­ized med­i­ta­tion app called Bal­ance (TechCrunch): “While investors are already writ­ing big checks for med­i­ta­tion star­tups, Ele­vate Labs founder and CEO Jesse Pickard said that none of the exist­ing med­i­ta­tion apps can replace the expe­ri­ence of work­ing with a human coach.

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Want to feel more Calm, get some Headspace, and practice Mindfulness Daily?

___ Let me ask again…want to feel more Calm, get some Head­space, and prac­tice Mind­ful­ness Dai­ly? There are apps for that—hundreds of them, besides the three I just men­tioned. These apps make a promise: Rather than invest­ing count­less hours and dol­lars in mind­ful­ness class­es or mind­­ful­­ness-based ther­a­py, we can choose to med­i­tate from the com­fort of…

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