Update: Should candidates to high office should pass a cognitive/ mental fitness test?

Wow, that was a cou­ple of very insight­ful dis­cus­sions, via social media no less. #1. The first one was about whether heads of state and can­di­dates to high office should pass a cognitive/ men­tal fit­ness test. Click HERE to read and dis­cuss some of the sharpest com­ments, such as… “I won­der what brought this up.” “Def­i­nite­ly. We rou­tine­ly screen…

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Microsoft announces support for three innovative mental health services harnessing artificial intelligence (AI)

Through our work in the Microsoft AI for Acces­si­bil­i­ty pro­gram, we have learned there are big gaps in men­tal health ser­vices around the globe. In some coun­tries, there may only be one men­tal health pro­fes­sion­al per 100,000 peo­ple. When paired with the real­i­ty that 1 in 5 peo­ple have a men­tal health con­di­tion, we are ask­ing how tech­nol­o­gy can and should…

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Next: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) meet brain scanning and human enhancement

— Face­book, Apple and the Com­ing Aug­ment­ed Real­i­ty Land Grab (Vari­ety): “Two new reports sug­gest that two of Sil­i­con Valley’s biggest com­pa­nies are secret­ly work­ing on aug­ment­ed real­i­ty (AR) tech­nol­o­gy. It may take some time before Apple is going to reveal its efforts in the space, but Face­book may give us a glance at its…

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Tailoring computing experience based on user’s mental state and quality of attention: Key neurotechnology patent #30

Automated selection

Today we high­light a fas­ci­nat­ing 2008 patent assigned to Microsoft, dis­cussing assess­ment tech­niques such as pupil track­ing or head ori­en­ta­tion sen­sors to iden­ti­fy where and what the user is focused on–and what types of  infor­ma­tion and/ or noti­fi­ca­tions to dis­play accord­ing­ly. U.S. Patent No. 7,395,507: Auto­mat­ed selec­tion of appro­pri­ate infor­ma­tion based on a com­put­er user’s context.…

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Managing information flow based on user’s mental state and cognitive load: Key Neurotech Patent #19

control presentation

This is anoth­er fas­ci­nat­ing 2005 patent assigned to Microsoft, help­ing man­age the pre­sen­ta­tion of infor­ma­tion based on user’s men­tal and phys­i­cal state and cog­ni­tive load (and, yes, desired lev­el of pri­va­cy). U.S. Patent No. 6,874,127: Method and sys­tem for con­trol­ling pre­sen­ta­tion of infor­ma­tion to a user based on the user’s con­di­tion. Assignee(s): Microsoft Cor­po­ra­tion Inventor(s): Dan Newell, Ken­neth H.…

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How Microsoft anticipated wearables, machine learning and cognitive enhancement: Key Neurotech Patent #18


Let’s dis­cuss today a fas­ci­nat­ing patent assigned to Microsoft back in 2015. (As men­tioned, we are fea­tur­ing a foun­da­tion­al Per­va­sive Neu­rotech patent a day, from old­er to new­er by issue date) U.S. Patent No. 6,842,877: Con­tex­tu­al respons­es based on auto­mat­ed learn­ing tech­niques. Assignee(s): Microsoft Cor­po­ra­tion Inventor(s): James O. Robarts Eric L. Mat­te­son Tech­nol­o­gy Cat­e­go­ry: Neu­rocog­ni­tive Train­ing Issue Date: January…

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