Update: ¿Habla Español? Know someone who’d enjoy a great brain book in Spanish?

Time for Sharp­Brains’ Feb­ru­ary e‑Newsletter, this time fea­tur­ing the glob­al launch of our new book, in Span­ish, Cómo inver­tir en su cere­bro: Una guía Sharp­Brains para mejo­rar su mente y su vida, avail­able already as a soft-cov­­er and e‑book! –> If you speak Span­ish, please get a copy for your­self. Tam­bién puede ver el video de la char­la de…

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Como invertir en su cerebro — Spanish talk @ Bronx Library Center

Heads up: Alvaro Fer­nan­dez will be giv­ing a talk next Sat­ur­day, Decem­ber 14th, at Bronx Library Cen­ter, based on the upcom­ing book Cómo inver­tir en su cere­bro that we’ll be releas­ing in Feb­ru­ary 2014. If you speak Span­ish, or sim­ply want to pro­vide your brain with some extra cog­ni­tive stim­u­la­tion, please drop by!

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