Darwin’s adult neuroplasticity

Charles Dar­win (1809–1882)‘s auto­bi­og­ra­phy (full text free online) includes some very insight­ful refec­tions on the evo­lu­tion of his own mind dur­ing his mid­­dle-age, show­cas­ing the pow­er of the brain to rewire itself through expe­ri­ence (neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty) dur­ing our whole life­­times-not just when we are youngest. He wrote these paragraphs at the age of 72 (I have bold­ed some key…

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MindFit and Posit Science in the Wall Street Journal’s “Putting Brain Exercises to the Test”

The Wall Street Jour­nal has a great arti­cle today, Putting Brain Exer­cis­es to the Test (requires sub­scrip­tion), that com­pares 6 dif­fer­ent com­put­er-based brain exer­cise pro­grams along ease-of-use, fun, and sci­ence behind. We at Sharp­Brains con­duct­ed a very sim­i­lar exer­cise last year, com­ing to basi­cal­ly the same con­clu­sions. The arti­cle com­pares Nin­ten­do Brain Age, MyBrain­Builder, MyBrainTrainer,…

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Hello: may we ask…

…a few ques­tions: how did you find us, what we are doing well, what we can do bet­ter? We have just found out that more than 600 people are receiv­ing our feeds, but we only know-and just a bit- the 50–60 who leave com­ments and link to us. We enjoy hav­ing so many read­ers not just in the…

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Brain Calisthenics, Brain Fitness Center locations

…across the coun­try, brain health pro­grams are spring­ing up, offer­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a cog­ni­tive foun­tain of youth.” “From “brain gyms” on the Inter­net to “brain-healthy” foods and activ­i­ties at assist­ed liv­ing cen­ters, the pro­grams are aimed at baby boomers anx­ious about enter­ing their gold­en years and at their par­ents try­ing to stave off mem­o­ry loss…

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New Brain Fitness Guide

We are very excit­ed to announce our new guide: <strong>Brain Fit­ness for Sharp Brains: Your <em>New</em> New Year Resolution,</strong>. Alvaro Fer­nan­dez and Dr. Elkhonon Gold­berg wrote it with Car­o­line Lath­am in order to pro­vide an intro­duc­tion to the con­cept, sci­ence, and prac­tice of brain fitness.

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Brain Fitness, Cultivating Cognition, and Brain Science

Chris Chat­man writes a good intro­duc­tion to what we do, in his entry Cul­ti­vat­ing Cog­ni­tion: the “Brain Fit­ness” Move­ment. I real­ly enjoy his use of the word “cul­ti­vat­ing”, since we want to help inspire a cul­tur­al change that places nur­tur­ing, exer­cis­ing, cul­ti­vat­ing, our brains and minds at the same lev­el as exer­cis­ing and train­ing our…

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