Is Mental Health ready to start transitioning towards measurable brain circuits, away from subjective symptoms?

To Diag­nose Men­tal Ill­ness, Read the Brain (Sci­en­tif­ic Amer­i­can): Although sci­en­tists have learned a lot about the brain in the last few decades, approach­es to treat­ing men­tal ill­ness­es have not kept up. As neu­ro­sci­en­tists learn more about brain cir­cuits, Stan­ford psy­chi­a­trist Amit Etkin fore­sees a time when diag­noses will be based on brain scans rather…

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Next: Identifying and treating the brain roots of mental illness

Men­tal Ill­ness – One Treat­ment to Cure Them All, One Net­work to Bind Them? (Brain­Blog­ger): “Imag­ine: A cure all for ALL men­tal ill­ness­es… sounds illog­i­cal, per­haps impos­si­ble, some­thing straight out of fan­ta­sy, no? Well, at the Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit, Mon­i­tor­ing & Enhanc­ing Brain Health in the Per­va­sive Neu­ro­science Era, where pre­sent­ing cut­t­ing-edge inno­v­a­tive research was…

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Next: Targeted neurotechnology to augment–perhaps even take over–neuropharmacology

Neu­rotech­nol­o­gy offers new solu­tions to treat­ing brain dis­eases (Dell Tech Cul­ture): “A new wave of med­ical tech­nolo­gies is chang­ing the way we approach study­ing the brain and treat­ing patients suf­fer­ing from neu­ro­log­i­cal dis­eases and men­tal ill­ness. For peo­ple suf­fer­ing from Parkinson’s, epilep­sy, OCD and severe depres­sion, these tech­no­log­i­cal advance­ments are 

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Update: 25 Key References to Navigate the Brain Health and Neurotechnology Revolution

Time for Sharp­Brains’ Novem­ber e‑newsletter, fea­tur­ing 25 of the key ref­er­ence mate­ri­als that par­tic­i­pants at the 2015 Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit found most intrigu­ing, in order of dis­cus­sion dur­ing the Sum­mit. Our deep­est grat­i­tude goes to Sum­mit Speak­ers, Spon­sors, and every­one who par­tic­i­pat­ed in our best con­fer­ence to date! Alvaro Fer­nan­dez: 10 neu­rotech­nolo­gies about to trans­form brain enhance­ment and brain…

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McLean Hospital Corp: #16 Holder of Pervasive Neurotech Intellectual Property*

McLean Hos­pi­tal is the third old­est psy­chi­atric hos­pi­tal in the Unit­ed States and is affil­i­at­ed with Har­vard Med­ical School. McLean’s research efforts in neu­ro­science and psy­chi­a­try span 66 lab­o­ra­to­ries and near­ly 400 research staff — it claims to have the largest research pro­gram of any pri­vate psy­chi­atric hospital. 

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Q: What do people with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, addiction, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety have in common? A: A brain with similar gray-matter loss

. Dif­fer­ent men­tal dis­or­ders cause same brain-mat­ter loss, study finds (press release): “A meta-ana­ly­­sis of 193 brain-imag­ing stud­ies shows sim­i­lar gray-mat­ter loss in the brains of peo­ple with diag­noses as dif­fer­ent as schiz­o­phre­nia, depres­sion and addiction…The find­ings call into ques­tion a long­stand­ing ten­den­cy to dis­tin­guish psy­chi­atric dis­or­ders chiefly by their symp­toms rather than their underlying…

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