Cognitive Training Clinical Trial: Seeking Older Adults

Neu­ro­sci­en­tists at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty Med­ical Cen­ter (see our pre­vi­ous inter­view with Yaakov Stern on the Cog­ni­tive Reserve) have asked for help in recruit­ing vol­un­teers for an excit­ing clin­i­cal tri­al. If you are based in New York City, and between the ages of 60 and 75, please con­sid­er join­ing this study. More infor­ma­tion below: ————————— Use it or…

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Jack and Elaine LaLanne and Brain Health

Very fun inter­view with Jack and Elaine LaLanne by Dave Bun­nell: read it at Meet Fit­ness Leg­ends Jack and Elaine LaLanne | See some quotes: In 1936, Jack opened America’s first health club in Oak­land, Cal­i­for­nia, called the “Jack LaLanne Phys­i­cal Cul­ture Studio.” Through tele­vi­sion shows, pub­lic appear­ances, and books—and by sell­ing health-relat­ed products—they…

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Brain Fitness survey

Today we would like to ask for your opin­ions on the emerg­ing Brain Fit­ness field, your inter­ests and needs. We would real­ly appre­ci­ate if you can devote 5‑minutes to com­plete this online sur­vey. Thanks! please let us know what you think! PS: as a small token of appre­ci­a­tion, we will give you a dis­count of 10%…

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Lifelong Learning and Brain Health Event in San Francisco on May 16

If you are in the Bay Area, we hope to see you at this event! Feel free to for­ward the invi­ta­tion below to any­one you know who may be inter­est­ed. The grow­ing move­ment for improv­ing brain health has brought many inter­est­ed pro­fes­sion­als and inter­est­ed com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers to the table. Shar­ing our infor­ma­tion, activ­i­ties, and planned…

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Brain Health and The way we age now

The New Yorker April 30th issue includes a superb arti­cle on The Way We Age Now: Can med­i­cine serve an aging pop­u­la­tion?. Atul Gawande pro­vides a great (and a bit depress­ing) sur­vey on the geri­atrics field: more and more need for prac­ti­tion­ers, with less and less sup­ply. now, a cou­ple of quotes and data points that are very rel­e­vant to…

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Brain Health Newsletter, March Edition

We have had anoth­er busy month behind us, and we’re look­ing for­ward to Brain Aware­ness Week March 12–18. Keep read­ing for the details (includ­ing a spe­cial offer in hon­or of Brain Aware­ness Week) … I. Press Cov­er­age II. Events III. Pro­gram Reviews IV. New Offer­ings V. Web­site and Blog Sum­ma­ry. Set your DVRs – Sharp­Brains is com­ing to the small screen! Our tele­vi­sion debut will be on CBS 13 West Sacramento’s “Good Day Sacra­men­to” on Mon­day, March 12. La Opin­ion, the most pres­ti­gious Span­ish-lan­guage paper in the US, fea­tured Sharp­Brains in a recent arti­cle “Secre­to para tri­un­far en los exámenes” (Secrets to Tri­umph­ing in Exams). Anoth­er great inter­na­tion­al pub­li­ca­tion was an arti­cle called “Training the Brain as Pos­si­ble as Train­ing the Body” in the promi­nent Ara­bic news­pa­per Anna­har. And Mark Muck­en­fuss of The Press-Enter­prise in River­side writes in “Train Your Brain”: “I would tend to believe that still we under­es­ti­mate the brain,” says Fer­nan­dez, whose back­ground is in edu­ca­tion­al train­ing and mar­ket­ing. He notes that recent stud­ies have shown when a brain is injured by a stroke, “those men­tal struc­tures recre­ate them­selves (with exer­cise). It means to me there are a lot of things we could real­ly do and many times we are not aware of them. We can­not promise to peo­ple you will only keep get­ting bet­ter until you are 200 years old. But I think peo­ple still under­es­ti­mate how flex­i­ble the brain real­ly is.”

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