The National Institute of Mental Health gives $2M grant to identify factors that make working memory training work (or not)

Under­stand­ing Indi­vid­ual Dif­fer­ences: UC River­side psy­chol­o­gy pro­fes­sor receives $1.9 mil­lion grant to study mem­o­ry train­ing (press release): “Aaron Seitz, a psy­chol­o­gy pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, River­side and the direc­tor of the UCR Brain Game Cen­ter for men­tal fit­ness and well­be­ing, and Susanne Jaeg­gi, an asso­ciate pro­fes­sor at the school of edu­ca­tion at UC…

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Must-read interview with George Rebok, PhD: Can cognitive training help aging brains?

Can Train­ing Help Aging Brains? (Web­MD): George Rebok, PhD, con­duct­ed one of the largest stud­ies to date look­ing at how cog­ni­tive train­ing affects old­er adults. Rebok, a pro­fes­sor at the Cen­ter on Aging and Health at Johns Hop­kins School of Pub­lic Health, talks about the study find­ings, com­mer­cial­ly avail­able brain train­ing, and what he recommends…

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Matthew Barrett: Human memory is not a recording device

Matthew Barrett

What excites you the most about your job? As a Pro­fes­sor and the founder of Brain Train­ers Men­tal Fit­ness LLC, I love see­ing how the right infor­ma­tion can have a life-chang­ing effect on peo­ple. Please tell us about your inter­est in applied brain sci­ence. What areas are you most inter­est­ed in? What moti­vat­ed you to pursue…

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Update: Connecting technology, healthy living, healthcare, concussions, and the Brain

Time for Sharp­Brains’ Sep­tem­ber 2012 eNewslet­ter, fea­tur­ing lead­­ing-edge research and insights to help con­nect the dots among tech­nol­o­gy, healthy liv­ing, healthare, con­cus­sions, and–our protagonist–the brain. — Tech­nol­o­gy & the Brain: Is the Inter­net mak­ing us dumb­er? (Nope, just dif­fer­ent) Increas­ing cog­ni­tive loads on min­ers’ brains: good exam­ple of where soci­ety is head­ing Brain fit­ness meets HRV and…

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Monitoring EEG Brain Activity to Personalize Memory Training

San­dia shows mon­i­tor­ing brain activ­i­ty dur­ing study can help pre­dict test per­for­mance (press release): “The team mon­i­tored test sub­jects’ brain activ­i­ty while they stud­ied word lists, then used the EEG (elec­troen­cephalog­ra­phy) to pre­dict who would remem­ber the most infor­ma­tion. Because

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Transcript: Dr. Gary Small on Enhancing Memory and the Brain

Below you can find the full tran­script of our engag­ing Q&A ses­sion today on mem­ory, mem­ory tech­niques and brain-healthy lifestyles with Dr. Gary  Small, Direc­tor of UCLA’s Mem­ory Clin­ic and Cen­ter on Aging, and author of The Mem­ory Bible. You can learn more about his book  Here, and learn more about upcom­ing Brain Fit­ness Q&A Ses­sions Here. Perhaps…

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