FDA-approved, Cybin-sponsored clinicial trial to measure ketamine’s impact on the brain via Kernel Flow neuroimaging helmet

Kernel’s Brain-Imag­ing Hel­met Approved For Clin­i­cal Tri­al On Patients Using Ket­a­mine (Forbes): The U.S. Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion has approved a clin­i­cal tri­al using a neu­roimag­ing hel­met made by Los Ange­les-based Ker­nel to track what hap­pens in the brain when a human takes a psy­che­del­ic dose of ketamine.

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Can trained older brains outperform untrained younger ones at demanding cognitive tasks? Quick answer: YES

__________ Online brain games can extend in-game ‘cog­ni­tive youth’ into old age (Sci­ence News): “A Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Irvine-led study has found that online brain game exer­cis­es can enable peo­ple in their 70s and even 80s to mul­ti­task cog­ni­tive­ly as well as indi­vid­u­als 50 years their junior. This is an increas­ing­ly valu­able skill, giv­en today’s daily…

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What cognitive skills are for (or, is the Internet making us dumber?)

(Click on the image above to play with the “giga­pan” NASA  built using 36,000 “self­ies”) NASA Releas­es Earth Day ‘Glob­al Self­ie’ Mosa­ic (press release): “For Earth Day this year, NASA invit­ed peo­ple around the world to step out­side to take a “self­ie” and share it with the world on social media. NASA released Thurs­day a…

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