The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) hardens data security rules for health apps and devices

FTC says it will fine dig­i­tal health com­pa­nies that don’t dis­close data breach­es (mobi­health­news): With data breach­es on the rise, the FTC is look­ing to make health apps more account­able for telling patients when their data has been exposed. The FTC released a new state­ment spec­i­fy­ing that all health apps that cap­ture sen­si­tive patient information…

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Monitoring physiological and health data via non-contact sensors: Key neurotechnology patent #33

health data

Today we dis­cuss a neu­rotech patent very rel­e­vant to non-con­­tact neu­romon­i­tor­ing sen­sors (as an alter­na­tive to skin-con­­tact elec­trodes), which may play an impor­tant role in mea­sur­ing brain activ­i­ty in the near future. U.S. Patent No. 7,485,095: Mea­sure­ment and analy­sis of trends in phys­i­o­log­i­cal and/or health data Inventor(s): Vladimir Shus­ter­man Tech­nol­o­gy Cat­e­go­ry: Hybrid Issue Date: February…

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Trend: Taking health (and brain health) care “beyond the pill”

. How Device Mak­ers Can Take Health­care “Beyond the Pill” (Med­ical Device and Diag­nos­tic Indus­try): “One thing is clear: Pharma’s com­mit­ment to “beyond the pill” has nev­er been so appar­ent. Each and every phar­ma com­pa­ny seems to have formed a divi­sion or a strate­gic team to explore new ser­vices around patient com­pli­ance, pop­u­la­tion health data…

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