Headspace and Ginger merge to expand and scale up digital mental health

Head­space and Gin­ger are merg­ing to form Head­space Health (TechCrunch): Med­i­ta­tion app Head­space this morn­ing announced plans to merge with on-demand men­tal health ser­vice Gin­ger. Bar­ring unfore­seen reg­u­la­to­ry road­blocks, the two com­pa­nies will com­bine to form Head­space Health. The new orga­ni­za­tion would sport a com­bined val­ue of $3 bil­lion and a head­count of more than 800.…

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Meditation apps have gone mainstream in the covid-19 era

__ 1. Best med­i­ta­tion apps: prac­tice mind­ful­ness with Head­space, Calm and more (TechRadar): “The best med­i­ta­tion apps could help you to sleep bet­ter, reduce your stress lev­els and find some much-need­ed inner peace. But giv­en the sit­u­a­tion right now with Covid-19, even if med­i­ta­tion apps just give you a break from the news and a…

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Latest brain research, tools and teasers to think outside the mental health status quo box

__ Time for a new edi­tion of Sharp­Brains’ e‑newsletter, fea­tur­ing a range of  research find­ings, resources, brain teasers and rid­dles to help trans­late emerg­ing neu­ro­science into real-world appli­ca­tions and improve our col­lec­tive brain & men­tal health. New think­ing: Neu­ro­science tips about grat­i­tude, aging, pain and the brain: An inter­view with Dr. Daniel Lev­itin What’s normal?…

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Meditation app Headspace raises $93 million in equity and debt to accelerate clinical validation and geographic expansion

Head­space rais­es $93 mil­lion in equi­ty and debt as it pur­sues clin­i­cal val­i­da­tion for mind­ful­ness (TechCrunch): “Head­space, the Los Ange­les-based mind­ful­ness and med­i­ta­tion com­pa­ny locked in a bit­ter com­pet­i­tive strug­gle with Calm for lead­er­ship in the men­tal well­ness world, has raised new cap­i­tal to try to take the pole posi­tion. The com­pa­ny has just closed…

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Will personalized meditation apps be able to replicate the experience of working with a coach?

__________ ‘Men­tal fit­ness’ start­up Ele­vate Labs launch­es a per­son­al­ized med­i­ta­tion app called Bal­ance (TechCrunch): “While investors are already writ­ing big checks for med­i­ta­tion star­tups, Ele­vate Labs founder and CEO Jesse Pickard said that none of the exist­ing med­i­ta­tion apps can replace the expe­ri­ence of work­ing with a human coach.

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Trend: Consumers increasingly taking care of their behavioral health via DIY tools like these

_______ 8 con­­sumer-friend­­ly dig­i­tal tools to sup­port behav­ioral health (mobi­health news): “From vir­tu­al ther­a­py to mind­ful­ness and med­i­ta­tion aids, there’s lit­tle short­age of dig­i­tal tools catch­ing investors’ eyes and break­ing into the crowd­ed behav­ioral health mar­ket. Although a num­ber of these ser­vices are posi­tion­ing their busi­ness to focus on pay­ers and employ­ers, many oth­ers are…

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