Can food improve brain health?

In oth­er words, may some foods be specif­i­cal­ly good for brain func­tion? For a great in-depth review of the effects of food on the brain you can check out Fer­nan­do Gomez-Pinil­la’s recent arti­cle in Nature Reviews Neu­ro­science (ref­er­ence below). Here is an overview of the state off the research. Sev­er­al com­po­nents of diet seem to…

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Preventing Memory Loss-CQ Researcher

Ever won­dered what explains the some­times sur­re­al, often mis­guid­ed, health poli­cies by our gov­ern­ment? Well,  it is beyond our hum­ble brains to cap­ture and artic­u­late what may be going on…but we now see that lack of access to qual­i­ty infor­ma­tion is cer­tain­ly not the main prob­lem. Deci­­sion-mak­ing process­es, and struc­tur­al incen­tives, would prob­a­bly mer­it more…

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Exercise On the Brain: a NYT OpEd

The New York Times just pub­lished an OpEd that may be throw­ing out the baby with the bath water. Exer­cise on the Brain extols the virtue of phys­i­cal exer­cise for brain health at the expense of oth­er impor­tant pil­lars such as good nutri­tion, stress man­age­ment and men­tal exer­cise. We have sent a Let­ter to the Edi­tor to clar­i­fy the…

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MindFit Corporate and Freeze-Framer for Memory and Brain Fitness

Cog­ni­tive train­ing and stress man­age­ment, Mind­Fit and Freeze-Framer (or emWave): two com­ple­men­tary sides of Brain Fit­ness. Research shows that adults can and should take care of their brains, both for short-term and long-term ben­e­fits. Through brain exer­cise we can improve our over­all cog­ni­tive func­tion right now—making quick deci­sions, stay­ing calm and focused under pres­sure, and…

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Brain Fitness news.

A cou­ple of good recent arti­cles: (You can join our month­ly newslet­ter by sub­scrib­ing at the top of this page). Brain Games will give adults all the chal­lenge they can han­dle Bal­ti­more Sun, MD. Mar 22, 2007.The reporter pro­vides a great sur­vey of prod­ucts. The only parts I find miss­ing are: 1) what spe­cif­ic cog­ni­tive skill/s is/are…

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