Under new CEO, Lumosity to expand brain training platform with focus on applied skills and broader social, wellness factors

Lumosity’s Stum­ble Reveals How We Think About Think­ing (Buz­zFeed News): “The ads were per­va­sive, pop­ping up on CNN, Fox News, NPR, and Google search­es. And they were per­sua­sive: Play­ing Lumos­i­ty games would do your brain good…But these claims sound­ed a lit­tle too rosy to the Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion, which 

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Top 10 Brain Teaser Games of 2015 For Teens and Adults

These are the 10 brain teasers, games & illu­sions that Sharp­Brains read­ers (pri­mar­i­ly adults, but some younger minds too) enjoyed the most in 2015. It is always good to learn more about our brains and to chal­lenge them! #1. You think you know the col­ors? Try the Stroop Test #2. Check out this brief atten­tion exper­i­ment #3. Test your stress lev­el #4. Guess:…

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10 Brain Transformers: A Poem

. As we enter an era of a trans­form­ing cere­brals there will soon be “Mind­ful” wear­ables to con­cen­trate, med­i­tate and self reg­u­late Did I just see you drop your jaw­bone at the gate? Charge your­self to a calm­ing or ener­giz­ing state Enhance mem­o­ry and you are now feel­ing great Your life may soon be in a dif­fer­ent motion…

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Update: From Drugs and Helmets to Digital Brain Health toolkits

Time for a new edi­tion of Sharp­Brains’ e‑newsletter. This time we focus on how much the brain health and behav­ioral health fields are chang­ing, as they upgrade tra­di­tion­al toolk­its with dig­i­tal plat­forms to bet­ter mon­i­tor, assess and enhance cog­ni­tion. Often dri­ven by a grow­ing con­sumer demand for improved brain fit­ness, as you can see in…

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Neuroscientists: Develop digital games to improve brain function and well-being

Authors: Devel­op dig­i­tal games to improve brain func­tion and well-being (UW-Madi­­son News): “Neu­ro­sci­en­tists should help to devel­op com­pelling dig­i­tal games that boost brain func­tion and improve well-being, say two pro­fes­sors spe­cial­iz­ing in the field in a com­men­tary arti­cle pub­lished in the sci­ence jour­nal Nature. In the Feb. 28 issue, the two — Daphne Bave­li­er of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Rochester…

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