Click Therapeutics raises further $52M to build up digital therapeutics pipeline for depression, insomnia, smoking cessation and more

With Sanofi still on board, Click Ther­a­peu­tics clos­es $52M series B for dig­i­tal ther­a­peu­tics in depres­sion, chron­ic pain and more (Fierce Biotech): Anoth­er medtech devel­op­er’s plans to cre­ate dig­i­tal ther­a­peu­tics to treat a wide range of ill­ness­es are click­ing into place, thanks to a third mul­ti­mil­lion-dol­lar invest­ment in Click Ther­a­peu­tics in bare­ly a year.

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Will digital therapeutics complement or replace stimulant medications to address inattention and “silent” cognitive issues?

___ Akili Inter­ac­tive: Dig­i­tal pedi­atric ADHD ther­a­peu­tic per­forms well with or with­out accom­pa­ny­ing stim­u­lant ther­a­py (Mobi­Health News): “Dig­i­tal ther­a­peu­tic com­pa­ny Akili Inter­ac­tive has announced the first results of an open-label, mul­ti­site pedi­atric ADHD tri­al pro­vid­ing some patients with the company’s video game-like treat­ment along­side a stim­u­lant med­ica­tion. Accord­ing to the com­pa­ny, both those who received…

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Large multi-center study to test videogame-like digital therapy as (potentially) FDA-cleared ADHD treatment

Akili Labs recruits for ADHD tri­al with ambi­tions of FDA clear­ance for dig­i­tal med­i­cine (Med­C­i­ty News) “Akili Labs has kicked off open enroll­ment for a clin­i­cal tri­al of its Project EVO video game plat­form in a quest to secure for 510(k) clear­ance from the U.S. Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion for its lead indication

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AnthroTronix CEO Corinna Lathan to discuss 510(k) FDA clearance of its DANA neurocognitive test at 2014 SharpBrains Virtual Summit

Hap­py to share that Dr. Lath­an, CEO of Anthro­Tron­ix, will dis­cuss the brand-new 510(k) FDA clear­ance of their DANA neu­rocog­ni­tive test at the 2014 Sharp­Brains Vir­tual Sum­mit (Octo­ber 28–30th), dur­ing the ses­sion Best prac­tices to assess and enhance brain func­tion via mobile devices and wear­ables. Dr. Corin­na Lath­an leads Anthro­Tronix, a bio­med­ical engi­neer­ing prod­uct devel­op­ment com­pany and…

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