Kids for life? Pros and cons of lifelong neuroplasticity, as seen via our emotional development

The Brain’s Emo­tion­al Devel­op­ment (Dana Foun­da­tion’s Cere­brum): “Humans are like­ly the most emo­tion­al­ly reg­u­lat­ed crea­tures on earth. Com­pared to oth­er ani­mal species, we can mod­u­late and mod­i­fy emo­tion­al reac­tions and expe­ri­ences, even very intense ones, through a large and sophis­ti­cat­ed emo­tion reg­u­la­tion reper­toire that includes skills of dis­trac­tion, reap­praisal, lan­guage, pre­dic­tion, social inter­ac­tion, sup­pres­sion, and…

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Study: Mindfulness training for teachers can result in a better learning environment for students

— No one would argue with the fact that teach­ing is stress­ful. Not only is the work high­ly chal­leng­ing, teach­ers are also fre­quent­ly under­paid, under­val­ued, and sub­ject to harsh scruti­ny. No won­der teacher burnout is on the rise and that many feel like leav­ing their pro­fes­sion. But teacher stress is not only a prob­lem for…

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