Key take-aways from the 2015 SharpBrains Virtual Summit

. Take-aways from 2015 Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit (Neu­rotech News): “In Novem­ber (17th-19th) Sharp­Brains held its Vir­tu­al Sum­mit about “Mon­i­tor­ing & Enhanc­ing Brain Health in the Per­va­sive Neu­rotech­nol­o­gy Era.” The Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit is, as you might guess, a vir­tu­al (online) conference…The vir­tu­al sum­mit had it’s own divi­sion of top­ics for group­ing the dif­fer­ent speak­ers (see…

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Trend: A growing toolkit for brain training and brain enhancement

Can Elec­tric ‘Brain Train­ing’ Devices Make You Smarter? (For­tune): “If there were a sys­tem or a prod­uct that could make you, say, 10% smarter, you’d buy it in a sec­ond, right? That’s been the promise of the “brain train­ing” field… Now, faster than the cur­rent cours­ing through your cere­bel­lum, the field is bur­geon­ing into what could…

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Challenge: How to spur meaningful, targeted & safe adoption of emerging neurotechnologies

A cap that treats depres­sion? Check the sci­ence before get­ting excit­ed (The Guardian): “Yes­ter­day, an arti­cle in the Entre­pre­neurs sec­tion of the Guardian pur­port­ed to reveal a “cloth cap that could help treat depres­sion”. This claim has caused some alarm in the neu­ro­science and men­tal health fields, so it’s impor­tant to look a lit­tle more…

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Next: Translating brain activity signals into driving and other computer-assisted interactions

. The car pow­ered by your MIND: BMW i3 nav­i­gates a track using noth­ing but its dri­ver’s brain waves (Dai­ly Mail): “Con­trol­ling cars with your mind may sound like some­thing from a sci­ence fic­tion film but this futur­is­tic idea has just become a real­i­ty. Experts have mod­i­fied a BMW i3 elec­tric car so it can be driven…

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