What will the ‘Peloton for mental health’ look like five years from now? And, who will develop it?

Mind­Labs rais­es £1.4M for its new plat­form, a ‘Pelo­ton for men­tal health’ (TechCrunch): Ide­al­ly, men­tal well­ness should be con­sid­ered part of a healthy dai­ly rou­tine, like exer­cise. But even exer­cise is dif­fi­cult to turn into a reg­u­lar habit. Pelo­ton addressed phys­i­cal fit­ness by com­bin­ing smart sta­tion­ary bikes with live class­es and com­mu­ni­ty fea­tures to create…

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Study: EEG-augmented brain training shows promise as first-line treatment for ADHD

Nov­el Brain Train­ing Game May Reduce Kids’ ADHD Symp­toms (Med­space): “A nov­el cog­ni­tive train­ing com­put­er game that uses a child’s own brain waves to improve con­cen­tra­tion may reduce symp­toms of atten­­tion-deficit/hy­per­ac­­tiv­i­­ty dis­or­der (ADHD), say US researchers. Inves­ti­ga­tors used a nov­el feed-for­ward mod­el­ing (FFM) sys­tem, which…is based on a com­put­er cog­ni­tive train­ing game in which attention…

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