Study: A new psychosocial treatment for Inattentive ADHD

— Chil­dren with the inat­ten­tive type of ADHD (ADHD‑I) show high rates of atten­tion dif­fi­cul­ties with­out the hyper­ac­tive and impul­sive behav­ior shown by chil­dren with ADHD Com­bined Type (ADHD‑C). The inat­ten­tive type of ADHD is quite com­mon and is asso­ci­at­ed with sig­nif­i­cant impair­ment with school work, plan­ning and orga­ni­za­tion­al skills, pro­cess­ing speed, and peer relations.…

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Is ADHD overdiagnosed? Findings from a new study in Germany

Is ADHD over­diag­nosed? Despite wide­spread con­cerns that this occurs, a study that specif­i­cal­ly address­es this issue has not been con­duct­ed in the US. Thus, although it is well estab­lished that many chil­dren with ADHD are nev­er iden­ti­fied or treat­ed, the extent to which chil­dren are incor­rect­ly diag­nosed with ADHD is not known.

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Rethinking the Classification of Mental Illness

The new Diag­nos­tic and Sta­tis­ti­cal Man­u­al of Men­tal Dis­or­ders (DSM‑5) is sched­uled to be released in May 2013. This recent Dana Foun­da­tion arti­cle points out the need of a fun­da­men­tal­ly dif­fer­ent approach based on the new ways researchers use to study and under­stand men­tal ill­ness. The prob­lem with the DSM-IV, our cur­rent shared diag­nos­tic language,…

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Neurofeedback/ Quantitative EEG for ADHD diagnosis

Like all psy­chi­atric dis­or­ders, ADHD is diag­nosed based on the pres­ence of par­tic­u­lar behav­ioral symp­toms that are judged to cause sig­nif­i­cant impair­ment in an indi­vid­u­al’s func­tion­ing, and not on the results of a spe­cif­ic test. In fact, recent­ly pub­lished ADHD eval­u­a­tion guide­lines from the Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Pedi­atrics (AAP) explic­it­ly state that no par­tic­u­lar diagnostic…

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