Study shows the power of electroencephalography and machine learning to help predict response to psychotherapy (or lack thereof) in patients with PTSD

A fas­ci­nat­ing study just pub­lished in Nature Men­tal Health aimed at help­ing pre­dict the out­comes of psy­chother­a­py for patients with Post-Trau­­mat­ic Stress Dis­or­der (PTSD) using Machine Learn­ing (ML) and elec­troen­cephalog­ra­phy (EEG) data. PTSD is a men­tal health con­di­tion trig­gered by expe­ri­enc­ing or wit­ness­ing a trau­mat­ic event; two evi­­dence-based treatments–Prolonged Expo­sure (PE) and Cog­ni­tive Pro­cess­ing Ther­a­py (CPT)–are…

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An idea gaining traction: Can measuring typing cadence help monitor and treat Parkinson’s Disease?

FDA grants break­through device des­ig­na­tion to Neu­raMetrix (press release): “The U.S. Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion (FDA) has grant­ed Break­through Device des­ig­na­tion to the Neu­raMetrix brain health mon­i­tor­ing solu­tion. The des­ig­na­tion is grant­ed for devices “that pro­vide more effec­tive treat­ment or diag­no­sis of life-threat­en­ing or irre­versibly debil­i­tat­ing human dis­ease or con­di­tions”. The approved use is monitoring…

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