Neuroscience Interview Series: on learning and “brain gyms”

Giv­en that we are get­ting new read­ers let’s re-intro­­duce our Neu­ro­science Inter­view Series. If you click on the cat­e­go­ry (in the right bar) that says Neu­ro­science Inter­view Series, you will find the updat­ed list of inter­views we have con­duct­ed (and also some that we have found else­where, such as the one with Posit Sci­ence’s Dr.…

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Brain Calisthenics, Brain Fitness Center locations

…across the coun­try, brain health pro­grams are spring­ing up, offer­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a cog­ni­tive foun­tain of youth.” “From “brain gyms” on the Inter­net to “brain-healthy” foods and activ­i­ties at assist­ed liv­ing cen­ters, the pro­grams are aimed at baby boomers anx­ious about enter­ing their gold­en years and at their par­ents try­ing to stave off mem­o­ry loss…

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