The “Holy Grail”: How to drive behavior change by harnessing neuroplasticity and emotions

— CWRU nurs­ing school award­ed $2.35 mil­lion to study the link between the brain and health behav­ior change (press release): “A five-year, $2.35 mil­lion grant from the Nation­al Insti­tute of Nurs­ing Research will allow researchers from the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nurs­ing, Col­lege of Arts and Sci­ences and the School of Med­i­cine at Case…

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Can brain training reduce cancer risk?

Penn Researchers Receive Major Grant to Explore Use of Brain Train­ing To Help Peo­ple Change Behav­iors that Increase Can­cer Risk (press release): “Most peo­ple know that smok­ing, a bad diet, and phys­i­cal inac­tiv­i­ty can lead to cat­a­stroph­ic per­son­al health con­se­quences, includ­ing can­cer. Yet mil­lions con­tin­ue to smoke, eat poor­ly, and fail to get enough exer­cise. A…

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Increasing cognitive loads on miners’ brains: good example of where society is heading

NIOSH to Study Cog­ni­tive Loads on Under­ground Coal Min­ers (Occu­pa­tion­al Health & Safe­ty): “NIOSH has pub­lished a notice out­lin­ing an inter­est­ing study it plans to under­take to under­stand the cog­ni­tive demands placed on under­ground coal min­ers by new safe­ty devices they must car­ry, with the indus­try increas­ing­ly deploy­ing wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tems, per­son­al dust mon­i­tors, and prox­im­i­ty detectors……

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Navigating The Many Dangers of Experience

As with “expert,” the root of expe­ri­ence is “experiri,” a Latin word mean­ing “to try out.” Peo­ple with a lot of expe­ri­ence should be will­ing to try new things, as their knowl­edge should pro­vide more con­text and points of view, enable more explo­ration of an issue, and min­i­mize risk with deci­sions. How­ev­er, high­ly expe­ri­enced people…

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