Amyloid-related imaging abnormalities (ARIA) found in approximately 40% of patients taking “Alzheimer’s drug” Aduhelm

Study: Biogen’s Aduhelm Caused Brain Swelling in Over One-Third of Study Par­tic­i­pants (Bio­Space): Atten­tion is being focused on a side effect of Biogen’s Alzheimer’s drug, Aduhelm (adu­canum­ab). Even before its con­tro­ver­sial approval on June 7, there were cas­es of amy­loid-relat­ed imag­ing abnor­mal­i­ties (ARIA‑E), or cere­bral ede­ma, observed in the trials.

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Lessons from Covid-19: Could a New Normal lead to better brains, bodies and societies?

__ In the age of Covid-19, what is the new nor­mal? How many of us have been expe­ri­enc­ing the heady cock­tail of con­fu­sion, anx­i­ety, and even some sur­pris­ing moments of respite from our recent-past busy rise-and-grind, hus­tle cul­ture rou­tines? Our social media feeds are filled with urgent and often con­flict­ing imper­a­tives to change our routines…

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