Understanding, and breaking, our cognitive biases

5 Coun­ter­in­tu­itive Habits Of Tru­ly Authen­tic Lead­ers (Forbes): “When you hold a cer­tain belief or uncon­scious­ly decide on some­thing, you’ll have a ten­den­cy to focus on and favor infor­ma­tion that sup­ports your belief or deci­sion, dis­card­ing any­thing that con­tra­dicts it. 

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Your Brain: Capable of Greatness, Hard-wired for Survival

(Edi­tor’s Note: This is an excerpt from David DiS­alvo’s new book What makes  your brain hap­py and why you should do the oppo­site.) A new prod­uct is about to hit the mar­ket, and I think you’ll want to take notice. It’s called the “Super Novum.” Shaped like a slight­ly over­large motor­cy­cle hel­met, the user places…

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