Training the Aging Workforce

Alice Snell kind­ly brings to our atten­tion her nice post, Baby Boomers: The Beat Goes On, com­ment­ing on sev­er­al reports and arti­cles on the aging work­force challenge.  This is a very impor­tant top­ic, and direct­ly relat­ed to what we are doing. Let me pro­vide an overview with these 10 points. First, some con­text: 1) The Conference…

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Sunday Afternoon Quiz

(These are not trick ques­tions) Name the one sport in which nei­ther the spec­ta­tors nor the par­tic­i­pants know the score or the leader until the con­test ends.What famous North Amer­i­can land­mark is con­stant­ly mov­ing backward?Of all veg­eta­bles, only two can live to pro­duce on their own for sev­er­al grow­ing sea­sons.… Can you name at least half of them?Name the only veg­etable or fruit that is nev­er sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any oth­er form except fresh.Name 6 or more things that you can wear on your feet begin­ning with the let­ter “S.“Click here for the answers.

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Baby Boomers, Memory and Wisdom

The NYT Mag­a­zine today is devot­ed to the top­ic of Can Sci­ence Tell us Who Grows Wis­er. It may have been even bet­ter had the ques­tion been, “What Sci­ence Tells us About How we Can Grow Wis­er”, but it is a pret­ty good issue any­way. A very good arti­cle on The Older–and–Wiser Hypoth­e­sis. Quotes:  One of…

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Theater for brain fitness

Cog­ni­tive Dai­ly brings an intrigu­ing arti­cle titled Is the­ater the ulti­mate brain fit­ness prod­uct?, based on research pub­lished in 2004 by Hel­ga and Tony Noice. Very inter­est­ing results on mem­o­ry and prob­lem-solv­ing. Will inves­ti­gate whether that exper­i­ment has been repli­cat­ed since then and we can rec­om­mend such a fun (and demand­ing) brain fit­ness activ­i­ty! If you…

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Alzheimer’s: Brain Structure Changes Years Before Memory Loss Begins

Alzheimer’s And Demen­tia: Brain Struc­ture Changes Years Before Mem­o­ry Loss Begins Sci­ence Dai­ly — “Peo­ple who devel­op demen­tia or Alzheimer’s dis­ease expe­ri­ence brain struc­ture changes years before any signs of mem­o­ry loss begin,…” The good news is that this can lead to bet­ter and ear­li­er assess­ments: “Researchers say these find­ings may help iden­ti­fy peo­ple at risk…

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Books on neuroplasticity and memory training

Neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty: the brain’s abil­i­ty to reor­ga­nize itself by form­ing new con­nec­tions through­out life. (see more con­cepts in our Glos­sary). We coud­n’t be hap­pi­er about the grow­ing num­ber of books pop­u­lar­iz­ing the key lessons about brain train­ing that Dr. Elkhonon Gold­berg has been research­ing and writ­ing about for years, and that moti­vat­ed us to embark ourselves…

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