Posts Tagged ‘cognitive-screening’
New Interview Series (Part 1 of 10): Why Care About Brain Fitness Innovation?
Here is a series of interviews on brain fitness and brain development. Read these interviews and take action on your brain development.
Read MoreCan We Pick Your Brain re. Cognitive Assessments?
If you could, you would. You can, but prefer not to know it? More than any other organ, your brain is up to you. You are what you think, not just what you eat. Here’s some food for thought: Design your Mind Setting cognitive and behavioral goals raises challenging and worthy questions: What do you want from…
Read MoreLee Woodruff: the Bob Woodruff Foundation, and You, can help Traumatic Brain Injury survivors
You have may have seen a few weeks ago the interview between former US presidential contender John Edwards and reporter Bob Woodruff. All the resulting media coverage centered on Edwards’ declarations. However, there is something much more remarkable that surfaced at that interview: Bob Woodruff’s spectacular recovery. This is the same reporter who suffered a…
Read MoreComputerized Cognitive Assessments: opportunities and concerns
You know your weight. And your physical fitness. And a variety of health-related metrics. What about your brain fitness? Two recent announcements bring out how the assessment of cognitive abilities, or brain functions, is increasingly being done thanks to new computerized options: 1) Last week, OptumHealth announced an exclusive 3‑year agreement (estimated at $18m) with…
Read MoreCognitive Health News Roundup
July is shaping up to be a fascinating month, full of cognitive health research reports and applications. Here you have a roundup, covering food for the brain, cognitive assessments, mental training and DNA, and more. 1) Brain foods: the effects of nutrients on brain function (Nature Neuroscience) “Brain foods: the effects of nutrients on brain function”,…
Read More10 Highlights from the 2007 Aspen Health Forum
The Aspen Health Forum gathered an impressive group of around 250 people to discuss the most pressing issues in Health and Medical Science (check out the Program and the Speakers bios), on October 3–6th. It was the first conference, by the way, where I have heard a speaker say: “I resuscitated a woman yesterday”. Key…
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