Can We Pick Your Brain re. Cognitive Assessments?

If you could, you would. You can, but pre­fer not to know it? More than any oth­er organ, your brain is up to you. You are what you think, not just what you eat. Here’s some food for thought: Design your Mind Set­ting cog­ni­tive and behav­ioral goals rais­es chal­leng­ing and wor­thy ques­tions: What do you want from…

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Lee Woodruff: the Bob Woodruff Foundation, and You, can help Traumatic Brain Injury survivors

You have may have seen a few weeks ago the inter­view between for­mer US pres­i­den­tial con­tender John Edwards and reporter Bob Woodruff. All the result­ing media cov­er­age cen­tered on Edwards’ dec­la­ra­tions. How­ev­er, there is some­thing much more remark­able that sur­faced at that inter­view: Bob Woodruff’s spec­tac­u­lar recov­ery. This is the same reporter who suf­fered a…

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Computerized Cognitive Assessments: opportunities and concerns

You know your weight. And your phys­i­cal fit­ness. And a vari­ety of health-relat­ed met­rics. What about your brain fit­ness? Two recent announce­ments bring out how the assess­ment of cog­ni­tive abil­i­ties, or brain func­tions, is increas­ing­ly being done thanks to new com­put­er­ized options: 1) Last week, OptumHealth announced an exclu­sive 3‑year agree­ment (esti­mat­ed at $18m) with…

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Cognitive Health News Roundup

July is shap­ing up to be a fas­ci­nat­ing month, full of cog­ni­tive health research reports and appli­ca­tions. Here you have a roundup, cov­er­ing food for the brain, cog­ni­tive assess­ments, men­tal train­ing and DNA, and more. 1) Brain foods: the effects of nutri­ents on brain func­tion (Nature Neu­ro­science) “Brain foods: the effects of nutri­ents on brain function”,…

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10 Highlights from the 2007 Aspen Health Forum

The Aspen Health Forum gath­ered an impres­sive group of around 250 peo­ple to dis­cuss the most press­ing issues in Health and Med­ical Sci­ence (check out the Pro­gram and the Speak­ers bios), on Octo­ber 3–6th. It was the first con­fer­ence, by the way, where I have heard a speak­er say: “I resus­ci­tat­ed a woman yes­ter­day”. Key…

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