E‑Newsletter: Neuroimaging + machine learning can predict, with 96% accuracy, whether high-risk 6‑month-old babies will develop autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by age 2

_____ Time for Sharp­Brains’ June e‑newsletter, fea­tur­ing fas­ci­nat­ing sci­en­tif­ic find­ings, promis­ing assess­ments, ther­a­pies and brain health mon­i­tor­ing tools…and some fun opti­cal illu­sions :-) New research Study com­bines neu­roimag­ing with machine learn­ing to pre­dict, with 96% accu­ra­cy, whether high-risk 6‑month-old babies will devel­op autism spec­trum dis­or­der (ASD) by age 2 Cog­ni­tive Train­ing or Gingko Bilo­ba to pre­vent cog­ni­tive decline and…

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Cognitive Training or Gingko Biloba to prevent cognitive decline and dementia? New comprehensive report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine clarifies priorities for public health and for future research

Evi­dence Sup­port­ing Three Inter­ven­tions That Might Slow Cog­ni­tive Decline and the Onset of Demen­tia Is Encour­ag­ing but Insuf­fi­cient to Jus­ti­fy a Pub­lic Health Cam­paign Focused on Their Adop­tion (Nation­al Acad­e­mies of Sci­ences, Engi­neer­ing, and Med­i­cine): “Cog­ni­tive train­ing, blood pres­sure man­age­ment for peo­ple with hyper­ten­sion, and increased phys­i­cal activ­i­ty all show mod­est but incon­clu­sive evi­dence that…

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Study debunks 4 common myths about brain training and lifelong cognitive enhancement

— If the media is your main source of infor­ma­tion about brain train­ing and cog­ni­tive enhance­ment, you will prob­a­bly believe the fol­low­ing: 1) All brain train­ing is the same… 2) …and it sim­ply does­n’t work. 3) Com­mer­cial brain train­ing pro­grams, espe­cial­ly, don’t work. 4) How could they work? Genet­ics is des­tiny, aging is a pre­de­ter­mined process…so by age 60…

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News: Advanced Brain Monitoring receives Global Health and Pharma Award for clinical-grade platforms monitoring brain’s electrical activity

— Advanced Brain Mon­i­tor­ing Named “Most Inno­v­a­tive Med­ical Device Com­pa­ny” at Glob­al Health and Phar­ma Awards (Sleep Review): “Advanced Brain Mon­i­tor­ing Inc was named the “Most Inno­v­a­tive Med­ical Device Com­pa­ny” by Glob­al Health and Phar­ma at its 2016 Health­care and Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal awards. “This award rec­og­nizes our company’s suc­cess­es in devel­op­ing tech­nolo­gies which enable clin­i­cians and…

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Survey of key scientific, technological and investment trends revolutionizing Brain Health in our Digital Age

—– Last year I got very inter­est­ed in the func­tion­ing of the human brain and the sci­ence behind mind­ful­ness and learn­ing [1], so was quite excit­ed  to attend the Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit [2] in Decem­ber, indulging in the lat­est trends in applied neu­ro­science and dig­i­tal inno­va­tion. The Sum­mit focused on the theme of rein­vent­ing brain health in the digital…

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New studies reinforce Education and Cognitive Reserve –instead of drugs targeting beta amyloid– as most promising avenue to prolong cognitive health and reduce dementia risk

Demen­tia Risk Declines, And Edu­ca­tion May Be One Rea­son Why (NPR): “Some encour­ag­ing news in the bat­tle against Alzheimer’s dis­ease and oth­er forms of demen­tia: The rate at which old­er Amer­i­cans are get­ting these con­di­tions is declin­ing. That’s accord­ing to

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