How will the Clinicians, Patients and Consumers of the Future ensure appropriate use of brain enhancement methods encompassing lifestyle, supplements, brain training, meditation, bio/ neurofeedback, tDCS and more?

How will the Clin­i­cians, Patients and Con­sumers of the Future ensure appro­pri­ate use of brain enhance­ment meth­ods encom­pass­ing lifestyle, sup­ple­ments, brain train­ing, med­i­ta­tion, bio/ neu­ro­feed­back, tDCS and more? (record­ing requires reg­is­tra­tion; view slid­edeck above or Here) Dr. Eddie Mar­tuc­ci, Co-Founder and CEO of Akili Inter­ac­tive Labs Dr. Anna Wexler, sci­ence writer, film­mak­er and post­doc fel­low at the Depart­ment of Medical…

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Male clin­i­cians may be misdiag­nosing 39% of ADHD-diagnosed boys

39% We had sev­er­al read­ers high­light this strik­ing sta­tis­tic from yes­ter­day’s blog post, Is ADHD over­diag­nosed? Find­ings from a new study in Ger­many This is but anoth­er exam­ple on the grow­ing need to base behavioral/ men­tal health pre­ven­tion, diag­nos­tic and treat­ment not on symp­toms alone, but to mea­sure and incor­po­rate objec­tive mark­ers of brain func­tion, as…

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Working with Healthcare Stakeholders towards Brain-Based Personalized Medicine

(Edi­tor’s Note: this is Part 3 of the new 3‑part series writ­ten by Dr. Evian Gor­don draw­ing from his par­tic­i­pa­tion at the Per­son­al­ized Med­i­cine World Con­gress on Jan­u­ary, 23, 2012 at Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty.) Work­ing with Health Care Indus­try Stake­hold­ers: Clin­i­cians, Pharma/Biotech, Pay­ers, PBMs, Lawyers, Medicare, FDA Clin­i­cians seek clear val­i­dat­ed “rules of thumb” that can be…

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Study: Families’ Perspectives on ADHD and its Treatment

In 2005 the Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Pedi­atrics (AAP) began an ini­tia­tive to pro­mote an approach to care among its mem­bers in which “…the pedi­atric team works in part­ner­ship with a child and a child’s fam­i­ly to assure that all of the med­ical and non-med­i­cal needs of the patient are met.” A crit­i­cal­ly impor­tant focus of…

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The Cognitive Health and Fitness Market On The Move

As you have prob­a­bly seen, the Cog­ni­tive Health and Brain Fit­ness field is rapid­ly evolv­ing, so let me high­light some of the main recent devel­op­ments affect­ing the field: 1) Pub­lic pol­i­cy ini­tia­tives:  — The Gov­ern­ment of Ontario, Cana­da, announced a $10m invest­ment in Bay­crest Research Cen­ter to help devel­op and com­mer­cial­ize brain fit­ness tech­nolo­gies. This $10m…

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Brain Fitness News and Events

Quick links to excel­lent resources: 1) FEA­­TURE-Brain fit­ness seen as hot indus­try of the future (Reuters) 2) Learn­ing & the Brain Con­fer­ence for Edu­ca­tors and Clin­i­cians. April 26–29, 2008. Cam­bridge, MA 3) Brain Health Across the Lifes­pan Sem­i­nar for Health & Aging Pro­fes­sion­als. May 15th, 2008. San Fran­cis­co, CA For more info, 

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